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Hem node Meet the Vision Champions: Soumili Kundu
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Meet the Vision Champions: Soumili Kundu

LCIF Marketing 14.06.2023

In November 2022, Soumili Kundu, a fifth-grade student at the Lions Calcutta Greater Vidya Mandir School in Kolkata, India, received an eye screening made possible by Sight For Kids at her school. Soumili already wore glasses in order to help a condition she has called myopia, which causes blurred vision. During her examination, the optometrist discovered she needed a new prescription that was better suited for her vision changes due to the myopia.

Debasish Kundu, Soumili’s father, remembers her coming home from school that day to tell him about the screening. She relayed how the optometrist discovered her prescription increased from a negative 1 to a negative 2. With such an increase, she would need new glasses soon.

Luckily, through Sight For Kids, she could receive new glasses free of charge. Every year, her parents are grateful the program keeps them informed of their daughter’s vision changes; likewise, every year, her principal is grateful for the ways in which Sight For Kids empowers students.

“We’re so privileged to have this wonderful program for our students,” Principal Kakoli Ghosh said. “Students need to have correct eyesight. Studying is all about the usage of the eyes for reading, writing and observing everything around.”

Principal Ghosh’s sentiment is exactly why Sight For Kids was established. In 2002, in an effort to address eye health inequality among children, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Johnson & Johnson Vision joined in partnership to create Sight For Kids. Since that time, Sight For Kids has become the world’s largest-known school-based eye health program, mobilizing Lions and eye care professionals to provide comprehensive eye health services in low-income schools, and serving more than 42 million children.

Principal Ghosh knows firsthand the difference Sight For Kids has made for her 3,000 students. She has seen improved achievement and health outcomes as a result of this program and knows how it impacts individual students, such as Soumili, whose new glasses will help her succeed.

“Meet the Vision Champions” is an ongoing series highlighting champions of Sight For Kids and celebrating our 20-year partnership with Johnson & Johnson Vision.  

Learn more

This blog was written by multiple members of the LCIF Marketing team.