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Hem node Meet the Vision Champions: Ripshita Ghosh
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Meet the Vision Champions: Ripshita Ghosh

LCIF Marketing 09.05.2023

Ripshita Ghosh is an enthusiastic ninth-grade student, passionate about art at the Lions Calcutta Greater Vidya Mandir School in Kolkata, India, but this was not always the case. Before she was introduced to Sight For Kids, a school-based eye health program, Ripshita had trouble seeing clearly at school and experienced severe headaches, especially when she looked at the blackboard or computer screens for extended periods of time.

Her mother, Rakhee Ghosh, remembers those early school days when Ripshita would return home in tears. She assumed her daughter was distressed because she struggled to sleep at night and stay awake in school. However, one day, Ripshita returned from school and shared a breakthrough. The ophthalmologist from Sight For Kids told her she needed glasses. With this newfound knowledge and the doctor’s referral, Rakhee and Ripshita traveled to an eye clinic where she received her glasses free of charge. Wearing glasses stopped her headaches and her tears soon dissipated as well.

Now, years later, Ripshita is pursuing her love for drawing and watercolor painting. “Glasses solved her problems,” Rakhee said. “Thank you Sight For Kids for spotting the problem.”

As the world’s largest-known school-based eye health program, Sight For Kids mobilizes Lions and eye care professionals to provide comprehensive eye health services in low-income schools around the world, and works with students, like Ripshita, every day.

Co-founded in 2002 by Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) and Johnson & Johnson Vision, the program equips communities with the tools necessary to provide all children equal access to quality eye health care. Ophthalmologists and Lion volunteers start by screening students for vision problems at school. Then, when potential problems are detected, students are referred to a doctor for an exam, and students are provided eyeglasses or other treatments. Together, LCIF and Johnson & Johnson Vison help kids grow, play and learn, freeing them from needless blindness.

Ripshita’s story not only perfectly captures the mechanism with which Sight For Kids identifies eyesight problems and prevents further complications, but also showcases the incredible difference this program makes for three million children each year.

“Meet the Vision Champions” is an ongoing series highlighting champions of Sight For Kids and celebrating our 20-year partnership with Johnson & Johnson Vision. 

Learn more

This blog was written by multiple members of the LCIF Marketing Team.

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