Hem node Empowering Special Olympics Athletes: Lions and Leos Make Strides in the Caribbean
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Empowering Special Olympics Athletes: Lions and Leos Make Strides in the Caribbean

Leo Advisory Panelist Ava-Loi Forbes 09.05.2024

In the heart of the Caribbean, a powerful movement is underway to uplift and empower Special Olympics athletes. Since September 5, 2023, Lions and Leos have been actively engaging with the Caribbean Athlete Leadership Council. Their mission? To collaborate with the Youth Leadership of Special Olympics and make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals with intellectual disabilities.

The collaboration between Lions, Leos and Special Olympics athletes has been nothing short of inspiring. Together, they have embarked on a journey of advocacy, awareness-raising and fundraising to support the noble cause of Special Olympics.

The journey began with Lions and Leos eagerly attending meetings of the Caribbean Athlete Leadership Council, where they immersed themselves in the world of Special Olympics. This engagement provided a unique opportunity to work hand in hand with Special Olympics athletes, gaining valuable insights into their experiences, aspirations and challenges.

Leos and Special Olympics athletes at the Special Olympics Caribbean event in December 2022

One individual who has emerged as a driving force in this initiative is Lion Georgia Harding. With unwavering dedication, Lion Georgia has been at the forefront, passionately championing the cause and spearheading efforts to support Special Olympics initiatives. Her commitment has been instrumental in catalyzing the involvement of Leos and Lions in the Cayman Islands, who have enthusiastically joined forces to make a difference.

The collaboration between Lions, Leos and Special Olympics athletes has been nothing short of inspiring. Together, they have embarked on a journey of advocacy, awareness-raising and fundraising to support the noble cause of Special Olympics. Through various activities and initiatives, they have been able to shine a spotlight on the talents and capabilities of individuals with intellectual disabilities, fostering inclusivity and acceptance in society.

Central to this endeavor is the Youth Leadership of Special Olympics, young leaders with and without intellectual disabilities who are stepping up to the plate, driving positive change and serving as beacons of hope for their peers. Their passion, energy and innovative ideas have been instrumental in driving the momentum forward and amplifying the impact of the initiative. One of the initiatives that area Lions and Leos hope to get involved in is Walk for Inclusion spearheaded by the Special Olympics athletes.


The impact of Lions and Leos’ involvement in Special Olympics work in the Caribbean cannot be overstated. Beyond the tangible outcomes achieved thus far, the true measure of success lies in the transformation of lives and the cultivation of a more inclusive and compassionate society.

As they continue to forge ahead, fueled by their shared commitment and determination, the future looks brighter than ever for Special Olympics athletes in the Caribbean and beyond.

In a world where barriers often overshadow opportunities, the collaboration between Lions, Leos and Special Olympics athletes in the Caribbean serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of unity and compassion. Through their collective efforts, they are not only breaking down barriers but also building bridges of understanding, acceptance and support. As they journey forward hand in hand, they are not just changing lives — they are changing the world.

Get involved with your local Special Olympics Programs today.

Lion Ava-Loi Forbes is a current Leo Advisory Panelist from Jamaica (District 60B) who has been involved with the Special Olympics Caribbean team and their programs since her service as a district Leo chairperson.