By donating to our Disaster Relief Fund, you can help families and communities devastated by earthquakes and other natural disasters.

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Donations Made Simple

November 14, 2018

The life-changing service that our great Foundation provides is so important that we’ve made it as easy as possible to give. Just how easy? See for yourself!

Consider this: Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has awarded more than $US one billion in service grants in its 50-year history and 100% of donations go to support LCIF grant programs. Not only that, but LCIF has also earned a four-star rating for seven consecutive years by Charity Navigator. This means that it outperforms most other charities in America, and that your dollars are being used for their intended purposes—supporting global humanitarian projects.

These accomplishments are staggering. And Lions should feel great pride knowing that our Foundation provides so much tangible good to the world. 

If our Foundation makes this big of an impact now, just imagine how much good could be done if you and every Lion around the world gave a little something each year. Thank you!

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