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Letter to Lions members detailing what is required to form a Lions foundation
[pdf] Importance of ExtensionThis flyer highlights main reasons for why we should start new Lions Clubs.
This flyer helps educate a Lion on the importance of becoming a sponsor for new members as well as their responsibilities when they welcome a new member.
LCIF is pleased to share its gratitude with, and offer membership in the Lions Legacy Society to, individuals committing future gifts.
Lions of Canada Fund for LCIF is pleased to share its gratitude with, and offer membership in the Lions Legacy Society to, individuals committing future gifts.
[pdf] What Can US$100 AchieveThis flyer highlights several ways a US$100 gift to LCIF makes a difference.
Our family brochure is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of family involvement in Lions Clubs. Join us in building stronger bonds, fostering intergenerational connections, and making a lasting impact on our communities. Let's embrace the…
Consider creating your Lions legacy by including a gift to LCIF in your will or trust.