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Lions Clubs International annuncia i vincitori del Concorso Un Poster per la Pace 2020.
Lions Clubs International, Kiwanis International, Optimist International and Rotary International remain committed to meeting the challenge of finding innovative ways to take action together to help communities around the globe heal and thrive…
Community service took center stage September 8-14 for the fourth annual Celebrate Community joint initiative from Kiwanis International, Lions International, Optimist International and Rotary International. The project encouraged members of each…
Lions and Leos work together and leverage local partnerships to tackle some of the biggest issues affecting our communities, such as hunger, environment conservation and youth education.
Flyer cobranded with Reading Is Fundamental [RIF] to promote providing books to children, adults.
Two part group exercise for club members to reflect on their peresonal connection to diabetes
Flyer co-branded with American Foundation for the Blind [AFB] to promote braille/technology literacy for people with vision loss.
Chart of the Eye with explanation of each part's function.
Publication educating adults about vision problems.