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[pdf] Club Activity CalendarHelp plan and share service, fellowship and management activities with your club.
Helpful guide that identifies common club issues and provides resources with potential solutions.
[pdf] Club Treasurer e-BookThis tool walks the club treasurer through the fiscal year providing calendar for tasks as well as tools and resources to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
[pdf] Club Secretary e-BookThis tool walks the club secretary through the fiscal year providing calendar for tasks as well as tools and resources to fulfill their roles and responsibilities.
Information about the role of the Club LCIF Coordinator.
This is a powerpoint presentation to help train LCIF club coordinators.
The Lions Quest club Achievement Award recognizes individual Lions clubs that engage in the Lions Quest Program through promotion, advocacy, and Lions Quest program implementation.
Learn the about the role and responsibilities for the club marketing chairperson position.
Model Clubs are powerful sources of financial support that transforms into grants for YOUR service.
This writeable PDF Form contains both instructions and the application to complete a club name change.