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Women's lives are changing through microfinance loans in India. One example, is Rabia Bibi who's loan empowered her to expand her business. She employs many through her factory in Delhi, transforming her life and improving those around her.
Unleash your inner Lion. This 60 second PSA uses humor to look at what is inside all of us: a little Lion. 30 second format also available.
The premiere edition of LQ explores Gulf Coast recovery efforts through the eyes of a Mississippi Lions family; an early intervention program in Shenshen China for children with autism; and recycling efforts of the Prescott Noon Lions Club.
This LQ features tsunami rebuilding efforts in South Asia; a North Carolina Lions Camp for the blind and visually impaired; a Lions eye hospital in India; and the gift of glasses for children in Chicago.
This LQ includes segments about how clean water changed a village in Mali; how a Lions club embraced family membership; Chicago, the host city of the 2007 International Convention; and how Lions and Habitat helped a couple in Washington own a home.
This LQ features stories about a Lions Nature Education Center in Hong Kong; an Indiana correctional center that recycles eyeglasses for Lions; a paperless classroom established by Lions in France; and bike safety education through a Lions clinic.
In this LQ, watch stories about the contribution of women Lions members; taxi driver safety education in Turkey; a model club in Washington, D.C. for volunteering in the workplace; and a children's library in the Philippines.
This LQ looks at diabetes, a health issue on the rise worldwide; how Lions are helping the homeless in New York; new equipment for kids with special needs in the gulf coast region; and a Lions youth camp in Norway.
This LQ features stories about how Lions brought an Iraqi girl to Wisconsin for the gift of sight; how Lions fight hunger in South Africa; fun and fellowship during Ski for Sight; and a preview of Bangkok, the 91st International Convention location.