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PowerPoint for clubs to use teach about Diabetes to their members
2005-06 Lions Clubs International President Ashok Mehta reflects on how Lions can do so much more through Lions Clubs International Foundation.
This document provides answers to the basic questions around resettlement and the role of Lions in this process.
Press Release with suggested content for clubs to promote eyeglass recycling project.
[pdf] New Horizons CertificateCertificate for District Governors to recognize outstanding clubs promoting diabetes education
Certificate for District Governors to honor outstanding clubs supporting Vision programs.
[doc] Founder Melvin JonesMelvin Jones, an insurance salesman from Chicago, founded the Lions Clubs in 1917.
Two part group exercise for club members to reflect on their peresonal connection to diabetes
This inspiring video looks at the leadership, experience and opportunities available to young people through Leo clubs. Alpha and Omega Leo clubs provide youth volunteer opportunities, and are also a place to grow and have fun. "Leading for Life"
In the 1920s, Lions clubs continued to expand and serve communities with such projects as fundraising for a children's hospital.