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Lions in Cebu City and the PADS Adaptive Dragon Boat Team organize paddle boat races to raise awareness about diabetes and the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle.
Thank you, Lions and Leos, for another Lions International Convention we'll never forget.
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Volunteer Leadership Workshop - Instructor Guide The Volunteer Leadership Workshop is a 3 hour, instructor led workshop that covers leadership styles and motivating volunteers.
Volunteer Leadership Workshop - Handouts The Volunteer Leadership Workshop is a 3 hour, instructor led workshop that covers leadership styles and motivating volunteers.
Teams-Roles of Group Members Presentation Handout A presentation that defines a team, and presents the types of roles that members of a group or team may play. These roles include constructive roles, supportive roles and non-productive roles.
Resource on using Icebreakers, Team Building Activities, and Energizers
An overview of the benefits of formal and informal recognition and 70 ideas for recognizing Lions