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The latest Lions Quarterly features a new historical Centennial video showing how Lions have grown into the world's largest service club organization. Learn about the Lions Million Penny Project, which helped Lions raise thousands of dollars for…
The April 2016 Lions Quarterly includes the latest historical Centennial video, Peace and International Understanding, which shows how Lions have dedicated themselves to building peace and international understanding across borders and generations.…
[mp4] Camp PacificaLearn about a camp in California for hearing impaired children and family members.
[mp4] Lions Elderly UniversityA school in Italy help keeps senior citizens' minds and spirits active.
The Virginia Lake of the Woods Lions Club engages its 90+ members and community, including a weekly yard sale that raises nearly $50,000 annually.
[mp4] Reading CarnivalLearn how Lions in Illinois work with their library to create a Reading Carnival for children.