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[pdf] Leo Club Program FeesThis is an overview of the Leo club program fees for Lions to charter a Leo club.
This document is a resource list of programs and intiatives that the Leos have access to.
This audio-only radio ad is available for any Lions Club to use for marketing and outreach, and can be repurposed for social media, video, use on website, etc.
This audio-only radio ad is available for any Lions Club to use for marketing and outreach, and can be repurposed for social media, video, use on website, etc.
This audio-only radio ad is available for any Lions Club to use for marketing and outreach, and can be repurposed for social media, video, use on website, etc.
This audio-only radio ad is available for any Lions Club to use for marketing and outreach, and can be repurposed for social media, video, use on website, etc.
This audio-only radio ad is available for any Lions Club to use for marketing and outreach, and can be repurposed for social media, video, use on website, etc.
Certificates of Insurance provide evidence of the automatic coverage provided to Lions clubs and districts.
This form is for sponsoring Lions clubs to fill out to create a new Leo club. For both Alpha and Omega.