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[doc] Special Interest ClubsSpecialty clubs are on the rise around the world as Lions gather in clubs based around common interests, professions or a specific service cause.
The Chicago Central Lions Club has carried on the legacy and vision of Lions Clubs founder Melvin Jones since it was chartered chartering in 1917.
The establishment of its foundation in 1968 furthered Lions’ ability to serve. While best known for funding large-scale humanitarian efforts, LCIF puts most of its dollars to work each year in the form of grants that help local Lions clubs improve…
Use the tips and best practices in this guide to make sure your pictures are telling your service story.
The Founding – a short video about the origins of our association and the key players in its first years. The first in a series of centennial videos from Lions Clubs International. Available in languages, select language under closed captions.
[doc] Winston ChurchillThe story behind the Lion-hide rug in Melvin Jones' office and its connection to Sir Winston Churchill.
With over 400 members, the Seal Beach Lions club in California is the largest Lions club in the United States. They engage members and community by making their club fun and visible, involving family and youth volunteers, and empowering Lions to…
Lions specialty Clubs help meet people's passion, wherever that passion lies. The ECAD Lions Club Branch in Connecticut works with Educated Canines Assisting with Disabilities (ECAD), a local organization that trains and places Service Dogs for…
1990-1991 Lions clubs International President William L. Biggs reflects on expansion of clubs into Eastern Europe.
[doc] Libraries & SchoolsLions Clubs and Lions Clubs International Foundation have built, adopted and expanded schools around the world since the organization’s founding.