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[pdf] Use of Funds Policy FAQIntended to assist Lions members, clubs and districts in following the Use of Funds Policy adopted by the International Board of Directors
This is the presentation file for the webinar that was hosted entitled: "Basics of Running a Zoom Virtual Meeting".
The Lions Quest Champion Award recognizes Lions that demonstrate an active commitment to introducing and sustaining Lions Quest activity at the club, region, district, or multiple district level.
A supplemental insurance policy available for purchase by Lions clubs and districts to provide limits of insurance in addition to the $1,000,000 of coverage automatically provided through the Global General Liability program.
Provides a mechanism for clubs and districts to resolve disputes about the interpretation, breach of or application of the International Constitution and By-Laws or any policy or procedure adopted from time to time by the International Board of…
[pdf] LCI Forward CelebrationLCI Forward provided a global vision to guide Lions Clubs International into the future. This plan began in 2015-16, and we achieved some incredible things, thanks to you and Lions around the world.