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The power of Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) is measured by one—one life forever changed by your donations. The generosity of LCIF’s donors shape deeply personal outcomes for individual beneficiaries.
Lions Quest has made a profound impact on youth and formed meaningful partnerships to help young people reach their full potential. In 2024, we celebrated a major milestone: 40 years since the first grant was awarded.
Discover the power of leaving a legacy with the LCIF Lions Legacy Society. Hear from past international presidents as they share their motivations, hopes and stories behind their commitments to Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF).
When wildfires ravaged through Texas in the USA, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) provided grant funding to Lions, empowering them to offer immediate relief
This explains the criteria for earning the Chairperson's Medal.
[pdf] SightFirst EQ+ PolicyMatching funds may be required for high-cost eye care equipment included in SightFirst grant proposals.
Contact information for regional SightFirst Technical Advisors can be found here.
The Lions Quest Champion Award recognizes Lions that demonstrate an active commitment to introducing and sustaining Lions Quest activity at the club, region, district, or multiple district level.
The Lions Quest Club Achievement Award recognizes individual Lions clubs that engage in the Lions Quest Program through promotion, advocacy, and Lions Quest program implementation.
[pdf] LCI Forward CelebrationLCI Forward provided a global vision to guide Lions Clubs International into the future. This plan began in 2015-16, and we achieved some incredible things, thanks to you and Lions around the world.