Mit Ihrer Spende an den Katastrophenhilfefonds können Sie Menschen helfen, die durch Erdbeben und andere Naturkatastrophen in Not geraten sind.

Disaster Relief

LCIF Helps Communities Prepare for Disasters in Advance

LCIF Marketing 28. September 2017

Recently, natural disasters have been devastating communities around the world, including hurricanes in the U.S. and the Caribbean, flooding in Japan and South Asia, and earthquakes in Mexico. Not to mention, wildfires continue to ravage multiple states in the western U.S. While Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) has distributed disaster grants to help the affected communities clean up and rebuild, there are also grants that can be utilized to prepare for disasters ahead of time.

For areas that are prone to natural disasters, Disaster Preparedness Grants are especially valuable. Being prepared for a disaster can save lives. Lions around the world have used these grants for disaster training, creating a stock of supplies, and community education. In addition, these grants can provide advance support for first responders, food banks, medical facilities, and shelters.

District governors can apply for Disaster Preparedness Grants for their communities once every three years. Grants awarded are between US$5,000 and US$10,000 and districts must contribute 10% of the funds.

Having an emergency plan and a stock of supplies can make sure that families are fed when flood waters wash away their homes. It can help the community know how to respond in an earthquake to avoid injury. Being prepared for a disaster saves lives.

If you think your community could be better prepared for a disaster, talk to your district governor about a Disaster Preparedness Grant from LCIF!