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Leo Latin America Forum: Bolivia 2017

Leo Clubs 2017 년 11 월 02일

In August, Leos from Latin America gathered in Bolivia at the 37th Leo Latin America Forum.  Forum organizer Leo Janeth Pedriel shares her thoughts on what made this event so special.

What was great about this event?

Something great for us was the large participation of Bolivia. It made us feel very happy to see our goal fulfilled, which was to motivate Leos and Lions to participate as much as possible in our great event for Leos of Latin America and the Caribbean.



What inspired you to lead this event?

We were inspired by service. First, to carry out an activity together and have the whole district work together along with other Leo and Lions districts to provide a great ELAC for all the Leos of Latin America and the Caribbean. And at the same time, to raise awareness of Bolivian Leos and bring this great event back to Bolivia after 10 years.



What was the most memorable part of the event?

The most memorable part for us was our service activity and leadership training workshops. With our service activity, we spent the day at a senior center and were able to help many elders to brighten their day with our presence and bring them things they need. With our leadership workshops, we were able to learn more and motivated each other to continue with our leadership development.


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