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node Western Japan Still Struggling in the Wake of Recent Floods
community volunteer work

Western Japan Still Struggling in the Wake of Recent Floods

LCIF Marketing 2018 년 07 월 20일

In early July 2018, western Japan was struck by paralyzing floods. More than two hundred people have died and tens of thousands have been evacuated. Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) awarded US$300,000 to help local Lions address both immediate, pressing needs of victims and long-term rebuilding efforts.

Now, with relief efforts underway, the region is battling a crippling heat wave. Temperatures are as high as 102 degrees Fahrenheit and are not expected to drop for at least another week. Over 100,000 households still do not have running water, and access to water is proving difficult throughout the region.

Local Lions are hard at work filling sandbags and distributing food and drinks to individual families, but the staggering heat makes it even more difficult. Many roads are still impassable, buildings and vehicles are submerged, and telecommunications lines are down. But Lions and LCIF remain committed and will continue their efforts for as long as it takes for the region to recover.

Please consider making a donation to LCIF's disaster relief fund to enable Lions to continue responding to catastrophes all over the world.

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