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Easter Baskets for Essential Businesses

Lion Darani Pyers May 07, 2020

The members of the Crowfields Leo Club in Queensland, Australia were extremely disappointed when planned service projects for the year began to get cancelled due to public safety warnings about the coronavirus (COVID-19). But we decided that we wanted to give back and make a difference in our community anyway as best we could given the global health crisis.

We wanted to give back and make a difference in our community.

So, after a quick set up of monthly meetings on Zoom and continued communications through Discord, we decided it was the perfect opportunity to share our love and the spirit of Easter with the brave people running the essential businesses that remained open in our community.

Our target group was small, local businesses and a COVID-19 testing and fever clinic in Toowoomba, specifically to shop owners and clinic staff who were on the frontlines and who had been facing the fears and frustrations of the community. It was a group effort, with two Leos designing beautiful gift cards and two looking at treat prices, and Lions donating bags used for another project. We took great care in observing all the required health guidelines, and one Leo family took charge of purchasing the equipment, divvying up the goods, then distributing these items personally to the businesses observing all health and safety precautions.

Club Members

The response was beautiful. All of the business owners were so shocked, humbled and thankful for the unexpected goodwill. Many of them expressed their appreciation face to face and on Facebook. The staff at the fever clinic sent us a thank-you letter via email. It was such a lovely feeling to be able to give back to our community members and make a difference in our own small way in such a challenging time.

Lion Darani Pyers is the vice president of the Crows Nest Lions Club and Leo Club Advisor of the Crowfields Leo Club in Queensland, Australia.